Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank you... David!

It is not uncommon that we usually received lots of emails about technical issues. However we've got something different few days back from a user named David. It was certainly a timely boast to spur us on and we certainly appreciate the encouraging words written by David as below:


"I just found out that you guys are malaysian. Great work. I've been using mapdoo for more than a year and only realized your HQ is just down the street in where I work (puchong). Well done and keep it up. "


By the way, Mapdoo beta has just been released for 3 months... but David has been using it for more than a year... interesting :) Perhaps it is a hint from David that we should upgrade Mapdoo server asap. No matter what, with the rapidly increasing users each day, upgrading plans are in place to ensure/enhance the browsing/mapping experience for all users.

Thank you David!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Drag & Zooo~oom

Hi Folks...

Just a little heads up about a tiny but useful feature that has been integrated recently: The little square button sitting nicely on top left corner on the map could be used to drag and zoom, giving you quicker control of the zoom level at the area you desired. Here is the step-by-step guide (well.. there are only 2 steps needed though)...

Firstly, click on the yellow square button on the top left map corner and then drag a rectangle on the area you wanted to zoom in:

Secondly, you will be brought to where you wanted to be... done:

Other than that, Mapdoo tech team strives each day developing features to help users mapping with fun. There are some features that we believe you might have noticed hence we are saving spaces on the blog. Again, we always welcome any feedback from the users hence please leave us your comments or write to us at info[at]mapdoo.com if you have any idea.

-Mapdoo tech team