Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Maps + News = YourStreet

I haven't been posted for a while but i can assure you there are lots of exciting stuffs and activities happened in the background. It has been a crazy couple of past few weeks as everyone in Mapdoo has worked till the socks off. I have got numerous calls from friends and acquaintances asking about the Mapdoo launch date... All i can reveal here is: Pls Stay Tuned... It will be coming real soon!!

Meanwhile i'll try to share some interesting mapping news here. Start with this one about YourStreet.com

What do you get when you combine Google Maps with hyper-local news and comments? You get a map-based news site called YourStreet, which officially launches tomorrow (although the site is already up). The site detects where you are located and serves up news stories about events that recently occurred in your city or neighborhood, as well comments from YourStreet members who live nearby.
click here to read on....


  1. You write very well.

  2. thanks kiandra and we hope you enjoyed reading mapdoo blog as well as mapdoo services.
